Time goes too fast!

So this weekend someone said to me " Kamryn's going to be 1 next month right?"...I paused and realized...OH MY WORD~ my little girl is going to be one year old next month! Where did the time go?? Why do they grow up SO fast?!
These days Kamryn's nickname is "Miss Independence"...my sweet little girl has grown into a sweet, feisty, independent girl. When she wants something, she goes for it! She is into EVERYTHING, crawling everywhere and of course, wants to touch and play with everything that she isn't supposed to. She screams and squeals when she is taken away from her "mission"-most of the time, that mission is to climb the stairs...she is so funny, once she gets to the top of the stairs she laughs and makes a mad dash for Kolby's room, giggling all the way down the hallway. Kolby and Kamryn are quite the brother and sister. They love each other SO much...this morning Kolby and I were sitting on the stairs (after Kam had just climbed up them) and she crawled over to us and he put his arm around Kamryn and said "hey tutie(cutie)"...my heart just melted...he kept calling her 'tutie'...I LOVE IT! They have those lovely brother/sister moments but they also have their not so lovely moments. Kolby is learning to share and let Kamryn play with what have been HIS toys for the past few years...majority of the time, it starts off Kamryn trying to play with something and Kolby ripping it out of her hands, her screaming at him and grabbing it back and then the two of them have a power struggle...it's pretty amusing to watch but she definitely holds her own. Kolby slyly pushes her over and is definitely trying to show his "dominance" over the playroom...too bad for him, she is like her mama and that isn't going to intimidate her, she will still go for what she wants and prove he can't stop her :)
Some more updates on Kam...She is eating all table food now, even though she really has no teeth. Her top two teeth have popped through and are slowly coming down. She still doesn't say mama :( every time I tell her to say it, she says "dada"...She is starting to sign "more" and always signs for "milk". She loves jelly sandwiches, bananas and fruit loops...I am still nursing her and will be weaning her over the next month to whole milk. As I said earlier, she is crawling all over the place, climbing stairs and pulling herself up on everything and walks when you hold her hands. She doesn't like to walk behind her "walking toys" yet, I think she gets a little scared.
Well that's the update on Kam at 10.5 months old...I can't believe she will be 1 next month...I took some photos of her on Monday...outdoor ones! Oh how I love taking photos outside. The natural light is awesome!

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