Kamryn 6 months old!

6 months old and changing everyday! I am still nursing her 100% and she has also graduated to baby food...2 meals a day consisting of rice cereal and fruit in the morning and Veggies in the evening...She is now able to sit up on her own (I have to put her in position but she can usually hold herself there). I love watching her explore her toys and new objects;she stares at them with such intensity and curiosity. She grabs anything and everything and once she gets a hold of it, she has a death grip on it as she discovers what it tastes and feels like. She is also gaining control over her little fingers,it is so cute to watch her concentrate and slowly but surely use her thumb and pointer finger to grab things (especially her little toes). She rolls over completely with no problems (besides her brother trying to lay on her once she does it :) ) Speaking of Kolby, she thinks he is just the funniest thing EVER! She laughs at him no matter what he does and he too loves entertaining her. When we go in the car, she sits up as much as her seatbelt will allow her and watches him as he makes funny faces and noises to her...I think the sweetest thing I have ever heard is them playing and giggling in the back of the car. The bond between them is already so strong (He still won't share "BLUE" (his blanky) with her though) Kamryn continues to be as sweet as can be and usually gives me nothing but smiles and love but this past weekend she was not very happy...I think those mean first teeth are bothering her. I never noticed how bad it was with Kolby because he was way more "high-maintenance"! No matter what though, you can always tickle out a smile from her.Thank goodness Daddy was helpful which allowed me to get a couple hours of sleep each night...she loves her daddy so much... Smiles is all she has for him. She follows him around the room with her eyes and lights up when he talks to her or even looks her way. She is definately showing signs of being a daddy's girl already!
I love that each day is different and I am blessed that I get to be home with my kids to teach them, love them and share every new adventure and moment with them.

I took some photos of her and Kolby with my regular little point and shoot camera...I will post some 6 month photos later after I do her session today...

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