Kamryn-9 Months

Well my baby girl is definately growing up! She was 9 months old on the 26th...in the last month, she has developed so much, she went from rolling everywhere to army crawling to actual crawling. She is into everything...she is also pulling herself to her knees and occasionally pulls herself up on things. She definately loves her new found freedom :) I am still nursing her 100%. Like her brother, she has began to refuse baby food at times so I have had to get creative to find foods she can feed herself that don't have the texture of baby food. She is on a great schedule (Wakes up around 7am, takes a morning and afternoon nap, and bedtime by 8pm) and is always in such a good mood, her personality continues to be so sweet, loving and just perfect. Recently she has had her moments of being a little crabby, but like I have been saying for a few months, I think it's her teeth...she still has NO teeth ...a little odd, but that's ok, they will come in eventually, I'm not worried.

Kolby and Kamryn are starting to get in little tifs here and there over toys but she holds her own, she has quite the grip! Her language is definately developing more too...she is saying more syllables and gets pretty loud at times...I can tell she wants to say mama, when I ask her to say it, she mouths it, but nothing comes out... We are also teaching her to sign, and she has began signing for milk...it's amazing how fast they can learn to communicate!

I of course had my monthly photo shoot with her, adorable as usual. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love her round face and chunky cheeks!!! Great pics! What a cutie!!
