Randi Michelle

I always do updates on the little ones because they are changing all the time but I thought it was time do do one on Randi. She had her birthday last month and it's hard to believe but she is 10! Where does the time go? I first met her a month before her 5th birthday...5 years and she has grown up so much! I remember buying her Carebears for her 5th birthday and this year we got her a rifle. It's pink and she totally loves it. It is something her and Deven will be able to do together which is good because as a girl get older, sometimes it's harder to bond and share experiences with her dad, but I know the two of them will enjoy this very much!
Randi is finishing up the 4th grade at Vossbeck in Lynden and is doing great. Her favorite subject is Math but she loves to read too. Randi is also in the guitar club at school and she plays the piano when she is at her moms. She just finished up swimming lessons and she is so good! When I went to watch her, it looked like she was the fastest swimmer out there! She has come a long ways from the little 7 year old girl that didn't want to dunk her head under the water! We are SO proud of her for ALL of her accomplishments! She is an all around good kid, she is smart, caring, goofy and genuinely sweet. Both Kolby & Kamryn adore her and love when she is at our house...Kolby talks about sissy Randi all the time, whenever we drive by a school he asks if sissy Randi is at that school. It's too cute!

Randi is coming into the "pre-teen" years and has matured so much in the past couple years. Her and her friends even have a crush on the newest "heartthrob" Justin Bieber (he is a teen pop singer).When I heard he was going to be at the Comcast Center in Everett in July, I knew I HAD to get tickets! Randi's mom and I are taking Randi, her friend and her step-sister. I am so excited...I had crushes when I was younger but never did I get to see them in concert!

It's Spring Break this week and we have Randi half the week...I thought I would take some photos of her while the babies took their naps...to see ALL the photos of her, visit my website at www.hollemanphotography.smugmug.com under the children's gallery.


  1. I love her "thinking" shot. That yellow background is so bright and fun too. What a sweet girl!!
