Kolby's Update

Well, even though it hasn't been that long since I did an update on my little man...he is always changing and growing so here's what's new: Everything has been great for the little man but 2 weeks ago Kolby was extremely sick and ended up having a sinus infection. We got antibiotics and within 24 hours he was feeling SO much better. Poor little guy!
Now for the fun stuff:
Kolby is now speaking in full sentences. He said his first full sentence about 2 weeks ago to me, it was "Mommy, can you come down here and help me please." Wow is all I have to say...where did my little boy go. I couldn't believe my ears when he said it! He hasn't stopped since that day. He is also mommy's big helper and continues to entertain the babies (Kamryn & Royce-the little boy I babysit). If Kolby doesn't have something to do, he is usually getting into something he shouldn't so I always try to give him little things to do to help me with the babies. We also FINALLY got child safety things for our house. Door knob covers, outlet covers, an extra tall gate for his room...it's amazing and I can't believe it took us this long to get all of those things...he gets into less trouble now however, he now knows how to open the fridge and helps himself to getting his juice and anything else he may want to eat...I need to get a lock for that too now. He is still sweet as can be (when he wants to be) and is such a daddy's boy. Him and Deven are going to get a fishing pole on Saturday so they can go fishing and every time Kolby talks to Deven all he says on the phone is " Dada, we go get a fishing pole" and Deven says "Yep, on Saturday bud" and Kolby just keeps repeating it back to him. It's really cute and funny to listen to. The main issue we are having with him is sharing. From what I know, I think all toddlers go through this and the stronger willed ones are a little harder to deal with in this area. He is generally pretty friendly to other kids but when other kids come to our house, EVERYTHING is his and whatever another kid is playing with, he wants...I am really trying to work with him on that by using his and Kamryn's toys as examples of sharing between the two of them. Right now Kamryn doesn't care much but I want him to understand that they have different toys BUT they can also share them with each other. I'm sure as he gets older and we can reason with him more he will get better. Anyway, that's about it for the Kolbster. I made him take some photos today. He was not very happy but again, bribery worked good, oh and TT (aunt Kelli) gave him a great haircut today!

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